I have this friend. Let's call her May. She's great, she's really great. But she says she doesn't like red wine. She says it gives her headaches. Well, we all know that what's really giving her headaches is all that tannin in the lousy young red plonk she's probably drinking. I'd like to help her see the error of her ways. She says she finds Cabernet too dry. And of course that's the fault of those pesky tannins, too. You have to watch out for them. They'll lead you astray every time. May just doesn't realize how important it is to drink red wine. It's healthy. Everyone knows that. Good for your heart, good for your brain, good for everything. In moderation, of course. It's healthier than white wine, a lot healthier than beer and much much healthier than cocktails. It's probably healthier than health food. So-called health food. And it's good for the soul, too. Not in the religious sense (we don't discuss religion on this blog -- not ever), but in the satisfying, warm-haze-that-comes-with-the-good-life sense. I really need to find a way to share an excellent old mellow bottle of Bordeaux with May. That'll bring her around. She'll love it. Her life will be changed for the better forever.
I have another friend. Let's call him Pete. He says he won't eat meat. Is that sad, or what? I have to show Pete the error of his ways. Next week, I'm going to invite him over and serve him a nice, juicy steak. Disguised as tofu. He'll love it. Red meat's great. Share the love.